Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Statement and Welcome

Welcome to the Here We Are, Who Cares? thesis and beyond group. Below is our statement of purpose; we will update periodically with news, additional images, and our show details. Thanks for stopping by!


Here We Are, Who Cares? implies a variety of readings. It is at once breezily flippant and a shrug of indifference at the world’s follies and dramatic clashes. A subtle sarcasm is present, an ironic announcement of a group of artists whose work ranges from absurd humor to profound pathos. This proposition, with its multiple meanings, creates a hybrid state of being. Multi-hyphenated bodies of work, Here We Are, Who Cares? employs strategies from everyday survival. Its tactic is to devour and absorb information rooted in accumulated narratives, migratory paths and fragmented evidence that alludes to collective memory.

The impact of these works evokes a phenomenology present in contemporary culture. Similar to what Gaston Bachelard mentions in his book, Poetics of Space, “as phenomenon of dwelling,” which is literally the impact of space on the human psyche. In order for someone to engage with this phenomenology, they should be “receptive to the image at the moment it appears; if there be a philosophy of poetry; it must appear and reappear through a significant verse, in total adherence to an isolated image.” Here We Are, Who Cares? permits viewers to inhabit several little universes, where things belong to no one and paradoxically everyone.

For the artists of this proposal, they aim to incite, exchange, prompt, and confront shared and collective pasts, presents and futures within our current world.